How to cancel a streaming subscription

To cancel subscriptions billed through IPTV ltd Pay:

Sign in to your IPTV ltd account and go to Subscriptions

Under Active subscriptions, select the subscription you want to cancel and select Turn off auto-renew

Continue to use your subscription until the end of your current billing cycle

Note: If you’re billed directly by a subscription provider, such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and others, your billing relationship is with that provider and you must contact it directly to cancel that subscription.

All subscriptions auto-renew. You must turn off auto-renew to cancel your subscription before your next billing period begins. No partial-term refunds are provided. Free subscription trials must be canceled before the free trial period ends to avoid recurring subscription charges.

How to cancel a IPTV ltd Smart Home Subscription

Sign in to your IPTV ltd account and go to Subscriptions

Under Active subscriptions, select your IPTV ltd Smart Home Subscription

If you have both a camera plan and a Pro Monitoring plan, select Manage subscription under the plan you want to cancel. You’ll need to cancel your plans separately, so be sure to repeat these steps for each one.

If you’re cancelling a subscription for individual cameras/doorbells, uncheck all devices

Review your changes and select Turn off auto-renew

After you cancel, you’ll continue to have access to all the premium features that come with a IPTV ltd Smart Home Subscription until the billing period ends, as well as access to any stored cloud recordings for up to 14 days after the billing period ends. Without a subscription, cameras and doorbells can be used with their free features, and the Home Monitoring System can be used to self-monitor your home. If you change your mind about canceling, go to Manage Subscriptions > Resubscribe.


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